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In FinnishJanne Aalto
I Started to watch birds with my big brother Pirkka about year 1982, when I was only 5 years old. Last 20 years birdwatching has been much more than just a hobby for me, it has begun to be a way of life!
I have been birding mostly in Oulu area and in Parikkala area (last seven summers) but also Lapland and Helsinki areas are very familiar to me.
I have been doing a lot of birding works too, I have been in bog-bird counts and in Lesser White-fronted Geese searching in Enontekiö, in water-bird counts in Liminganlahti and as a guide and in different kind of counts in Parikkala Siikalahti and other bird-lakes for many summers.
I like birding in many different ways. I am not a twitcher, migration watcher or ornithologist (scientist) but pretty much all of these. Mostly I like to watch birds in new places, watching local birds and migration.
I started digiscoping birds in April 2003 when I bought my Nikon Coolpix 4500 camera. I had already bought a new Zeiss 85 telescope, so it was nice to begin photographing with quite good equipment. On summer of 2009 also my second Coolpix went broken and I had to buy a new Samsung NV100HD camera. After two Samsung cameras I bought a super-zoom Nikon P900. And finally at spring 2021 I bought a Canon R5 camera with 100-500mm lence.
In spring 2007 I bought a Sony MZ-RH1 minidisk -player, Sennheiser ME67 microphone, Rycote pistol and wind-shield. Nowadays I am using Olympus LS-11 and LS-P4-recorders. So there are also some recordings on these sites. My binoculars are nowaday Zeiss Victory SF 10x42 and telescope is Zeiss Harpia.
I have also been in ringing-stations pretty often. Mostly in Siikajoki Tauvo, Luvia Säppi and Parainen Jurmo, but also periods in Lemland Lågskär, Hanko Halias and Ebro-delta Catalonia. I have been ringing only a little with my own licence - only some nightsingers and owls in Parikkala. I do have about 100 owl nest-boxes in Parikkala forests.
I have done some birding trips to foreign countries: Norway, Spitsbergen, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (all several times), Sweden (a couple of times), Great Britain (4 times, for example Scillies and twice Shetland), Ireland, Spain (twice in Andalucia and Catalonia and once in Canary Islands), Portugal, four times on Azores and once on Madeira, Corsica (France), Sicilia and Sardinia (Italy), Georgia (twice), Armenia, Russia (several times), Kazakhstan, Turkey, Israel and Egypt (twice), Morocco (twice), Western Sahara, Kuwait and Cap Verde. Trips outside the Western Palearctic has been made to India Goa, a couple of times to Thailand, Oman, Japan, Indonesia Bali, Tanzania and French Guiana.
GSM: +35850 3491 694
email: janne.aalto(at)ornio.net
Hanna Aalto
I started to watch birds with winter-birds which were visiting in our feeding-place. Finally birdwatching came the hobby for me when I joined to bird-courses in early 80`s. Since 1993 I was many years as a quide in Parikkala Siikalahti bird-lake. I started my studies in Oulu because it is an interesting birding area. While studying Biology I joined active to run North-Botnic Birding Association. Nowadays I arrange also birding courses and do bird-counts.
I have also done bird-paintings for many years. I am doing them mostly for fun but I have also done a lot of paintings to different birding places and books. 1992 I won a young birddrawers award. I also photograph birds a lot, more and more every year.
In foreign countrys I have been birding three and a half months in Greece, three times in Israel, several times in Northern Norway, Spitsbergen, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, three times in Egypt and Great Britain, four times in Georgia, twice in Morocco (including Western Sahara) and once in Andalucia, Catalonia, Canary, Portugal, Madeira, Azores, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia, Cape Verde, Ireland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Nederland, Kuwait, India Goa, Thailand a couple of times, Oman, Japan, Indonesia Bali and French Guiana.
GSM: +358505246597
email: hanna.aalto(at)ornio.net
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