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Text © Hanna & Janne Aalto
Sammallampi is like a small Siikalahti. Species are pretty much the same like in Siikalahti, but the area is so small that the list of species is not that big. Northern side of Sammallampi there is a birdtower.
From main road 6 take road to Kolmikanta. Drive about kilometer and leave the car to the left side of the road near the antenna to the parking place. Cross the road and next to cutted woods take an almost invisible track down to the tower.
Breeding birds at Sammallampi are for example Bittern, Whooper Swan, Marsh Harrier and Spotted Crake.
Rarest birds have been Montagus's Harrier, Savi's Warbler and a flock of Azure Tits.
Särkisalmi is a link between to parts of a Lake Simpele. There is always small area which won't get frozen in winter and in spring bigger area melts quickly so it collects lots of waterbirds. Also later in spring many migrants, for example swallows arrive at Särkisalmi first.
Särkisalmi can be found easily because it is next to main road six and almost in the village of Särkisalmi. Car can be left to the big parking place next to main road. Climb carefully (!) to the other side of railroad and you can see the birds.
Later n spring Särkisalmi is a good place to watch arctic migration. Ducks, Geese and sometimes Skuas and Waders should be seen.
The best place to watch migration is on the Northern side of bay. Turn to the village and after couple of hundred meters turn left just after the railroad.
Rarest birds ever in Särkisalmi have been a flock of 3 different Eiders, a Red-crested Pochard and a flock of Avocets.
Pohjanranta is a bay of Pieni Rautjärvi. From main road 6 about 1,5 km North from Akonpohja take a cross to Tarnala and then after some hundreds of meters you can find the parking place easily. Tower is easy to access - at least the ground-floor.
Pohjanranta is a good place to find many waterbirds but also waders.
Some of the rarest birds have been Spotted Eagles, Red-footed Falcons, Pallid Harriers, American Wigeon, White-winged Tern, Long-billed Dowitcher, Terek Sandpiper, Marsh Sandpipers and Great Snipe.
Tarassiinlahti lays in Mikkolanniemi and it is a bay of Pieni Rautjärvi. From main road 6 about 1,5 km North from Akonpohja take a cross to Tarnala. At Tarnala turn right towards Mikkolanniemi. The birdtower is on the coastline and parking place is well-marked.
The bay is surrounded by nice farlands. There is a wide view from the tower, so the place is good also for migration watching. At spring there is a good selection of waterbirds and waders.
Rarities: Pallid and Montagu's Harrier, Spotted Eagles, Marsh Sandpiper, Bee-eater etc.
At Akonpohja on the coast of Suuri Rautjärvi there is also a birdtower. The tower is nowadays in a bad shape but still safe to climb. From mainroad 6 take the Southernmost cross to Akonpohja village. Then take the first road towards the school. After the school take the turn right and after some hundreds meters you can find the parking place right. The tower is 100 meters from the parking place.
Rarities have been Ring-necked Duck, Kittiwake and Steller's Eider.
Kanavalampi is small lake that is part of Pieni Rautjärvi in. It can be found in Honkakylä. It is also a great place to see ducks and geese in spring and summer. The visibility from the road is not very good as the trees and bushes have grown too much on the shore of Kanavalampi. Some rare birds that have been found are the first ever Cackling Goose for Finland, Ruddy Shelduck, Green-winged Teal and so on.
The high tower to Vaaranmäki was build by active locals in the beginning of century.
The tower situates over a high hill near the Saari church. It can be found easily, just follow the Saari kko -signs. Car can be left to the grave yards parking place. Then just take the track up to the hill.
The views were really great but some trees are now ruining the view. Anyway the place is still good for raptor watching. Steppe Eagle, Spotted Eagles, Black Kites and Pallid Harriers have been seen from the tower. Also good numbers of migrant raptors have been counted.
Kumpu viewtower
Kumpu viewtower is an old bordertower that has now moved to a good migration way. It can be difficult to climb to the tower if you are afraid of high places.
The view from the tower is really nice and you can see really far to all directions. A couple of kilomtres to north-east there opens the big Lake Pyhäjärvi.
The tower can be found by turning from Kumpu village to Lentteentie-road. Soon there is a sign (kyläkota/lintutorni) which tells that the sandroad on your lefthandside leads to the tower.
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